The summer is here, and that means people will be out and about, spending money and enjoying the lovely weather. There is a good chance your business will experience an uptick in activity. If you aren’t prepared for the sales bump, you might lose out on a significant amount of revenue. It is even possible that the failure to meet demand will alienate prospective customers. A
working capital loan will help you make it through the busy summer.
Don’t Leave Money on the Table!
The cardinal sin of business is to prove incapable of meeting consumer demand. You should
never leave money on the table due to a lack of inventory or personnel. A working capital loan is exactly what your business needs to make it through the summer rush, maximize profit and grow your business at a rapid pace.
Funding Without Delay
If your business experiences a
spike in sales during the summer months, you will likely need an influx of cash to meet the demand. Perhaps you will need additional raw materials, or maybe you will need new machinery, additional employees, more warehouse space or a larger space to showcase your inventory/services. If you don’t have ample cash on hand, it will prove difficult, if not impossible, to make such improvements/additions.

A working capital loan will put plenty of cash in your hand right away. Time is of the essence. You won’t have long to respond to the spike in demand. Don’t worry — in some cases, it only takes a couple of days to process your application and get the cash to your account.
Examples of how a Working Capital Loan can Help Make This Your Business’s Best Summer
It is no secret that people spend more money in the summer months while they are out and about and attending social events. It is safe to assume your business will experience a rise in demand. The question is whether you can respond with the appropriate amount of supply and personnel. Imagine a spike in consumer demand that requires the hiring of half a dozen new employees. Or, maybe you need to add more floor space to accommodate the influx of summer customers. Perhaps your air conditioner malfunctions during the busy summer months when hours are extended to accommodate the increase in customers. A working capital loan will prevent each of these hypothetical situations from becoming a nightmare. It will provide you with the cash you desperately need to maintain your inventory, staff your business to the appropriate level and keep customers happy.
Working Capital Loans Through MY Company Funding
We are here to provide your business with the money necessary to maximize your summer profit. Our
working capital loan application process is quick and straightforward. We understand the clock is ticking. You need cash to meet the increase in summer demand. Our working capital loan will help you meet this demand, grow your business and make it to the fall without alienating customers.
Contact us today to learn more about our working capital loan program and fill out an application.